Saturday 29 March 2008

Burning, Ripping Or In Laymen’s terms ‘Loading DVD To iPod’ Is Easier Than You Think

Loading DVD to iPod is easy when you have the right software. Because with the right software, all you need is a few clicks of the mouse and it does all the work for you.

Avoid DVD to iPod converters that are over fancy, complicated and expensive. Why pay $30 or more for a piece of software that just converts DVDs so that your iPod can read it. At the end of the day you’re better off with a simple piece of software that is fluff free and reliable.

After all you don’t want to be trawling through the manual or scrolling through the ‘Help’ file to start loading DVD to iPod. The other limitation I see with a lot of DVD to iPod converters on the market is that they don’t offer flexibility.

If you have a lot of DVDs, then great, but if you only have a few DVDs then is it really worth buying a DVD to iPod converter?

Surely a converter that does more than just loading DVD to iPod is a better choice. After all you may want to load other video formats like WMV, MPEG and AVI to your iPod.

If that’s something you’re after then you’re in luck, because there are some software that offer just this. What’s more you can download software straight away, meaning you can start loading DVD to iPod in just a few minutes.

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